Comparison of PDF files: Comparison by 3 reference points
The comparison by "reference points" is one of the 3 methods for comparing PDF, Image and Cad files. These 3 methods are:
- The "Overlay Comparison".
- "Comparison by reference points"
- The "Intelligent Comparison".
In this video you will see:
- How to "Comparison by reference points"
- How to place the points when there is a TRANSLATION (1 point on each file)
- How to place points when there is a TRANSLATION + ROTATION + AFFINITY (3 points on each file)
- The result of the "Link travel to selection" action
- The result of the action "Show overlay of selections".
00:00 Introduction
00:14 Best features of "COMPARE"
00:22 Comparison by "Reference points"
00:44 How to position the reference points for a TRANSLATION
00:57 Benchmark comparison result
01:01 Action: "Link moves to selections"
01:06 The global view
01:16 Action: "Show overlay of selections"
01:53 Comparison by 3 reference points for a TRANSLATION + ROTATION + AFFINITY
02:54 Best features "COMPARE"